10 years agriSelect®
10 years agriSelect®. Over 200 plants across Europe.
One green vision.
Exactly ten years ago, we started out with our vision of generating sustainable energy with a compact biogas plant. for a better future. Today, we can proudly look back on a decade of innovation, partnerships and countless successful projects. Together, we have revolutionized energy production and will continue to focus on growth and sustainability in the years to come.
agriSelect® – this is how we named our biogas plant with system 10 years ago in 2014. “Select” stands for carefully selected components paired with a wide range of options.
Then as now, it is important to us to be able to offer operators a tailor-made solution that fits the farm. Ten years ago, we were already promoting our “agriSelect®” with an output of 75 kWel and the option of operating it with 100% slurry or 100% manure.
Looking back on 10 years.
Our first agriSelect®plant “Schloßberg Energie” was planned in 2014 and put in 30.04.2015 operation. The plant was startet with 75 kWel Feeded with 91% slurry/manure and additional with 9 % NawaRo and food scraps.
Over the next 10 years, we have continuously developed the system and the components used. Popular components such as the Paddelgigant® (agitator), the Vielfraß® (feeding technology), the Biolene® or the Formprotect® container construction system have proven their worth and established on the market. Whether fed only with liquid manure or additional residues, the possibilities are endless. versatile.
Our agriSelect® is now available from 55 to 265 KWel and is divided into three variants.
- Variant 55 – 100 kWel
- Variant 100 – 150 kWel
- Variante 150 – 265 kWel
The green vision.
But we don’t want to “bore” you with just a few technical specifications of the agriSelect®. Our more than 200 satisfied operators contribute more than 20,000 kW/h of renewable energy every year. This corresponds to approx. 110,000 tons of CO2 savings per year.
A 75 kW system can supply an average of 156 four-person households with electricity. And now calculate that by 200. That’s quite a lot of sustainable energy being generated, isn’t it? 🙂
Success stories of our customers.
“We recently installed a 75 kW agriSelect, which runs purely on slurry and manure. The cooperation with agriKomp has always been smooth, flawless and very courteous, from the beginning of the planning phase to the construction phase and even now ... always smooth, flawless and very obliging.”
Josef Wutz
“Thanks to the positive feedback from our colleagues. Many have always had problems with the agitator because we put in a lot of straw, manure and grass. That's why it was important to me that we have a decent agitator in the fermenter. Another advantage is of course the regional proximity and the good support.”
Frank Barthelmess
“The whole system is easier and less complicated than I imagined.” “Would you build with agriKomp again?” “Yes, definitely. I'm convinced.”
Richard Schübel

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